Components: Building blocks to create data-driven content.
New Form: Creates a new Template Form
Form Management Buttons:
Settings: This function allows you to assign channels to the Form.
Import: You can import your Template Forms via this button
Export: This button exports your current Template Form as a *.JXD file.
Copy JXD: Copies the Form structure and logic to the clipboard in JSON format, so you can embed this JSON into your Blueprint as a string variable called JXD. When you launch your project, the Form will be imported automatically to the RealityHub. This feature allows you to ship your Forms to different systems with your Unreal *.uproject.
Save: This button saves your current Template Form
Form Management Menu:
New: Creates a new Template Form
Open: Open an existing Template Form from the RealityHub database
Import: Imports saved Template Form
Export: Imports current Template Form
Copy JXD: Copies the Form structure and logic to the clipboard in JSON format, so you can embed this JSON into your Blueprint as a string variable called JXD. When you launch your project, the Form will be imported automatically to the RealityHub. This feature allows you to ship your Forms to different systems with your Unreal *.uproject.
Save: Saves current Template Form.
Save As: Save a current Template Form as a different file
Settings: This function allows you to assign channels to various forms.
Delete: Deletes current Template Form from database
Form Area: You can drag & drop your Components, Actions, and Properties to this area.