It is highly recommended to backup your database before upgrading your RealityHub.

RealityHub does not require uninstalling the old version for a clean installation. Upgrading and downgrading processes are also do not require uninstalling an old version. If you install the RealityHub on top of an older version, the HTTP port number will appear as you set while installing the old version. If you changed application parameters such as HTTP IP Address, HTTP Port, etc., every configured parameter would automatically come while upgrading during your first installation.

Database Backup

Before you begin to backup your database, it is recommended to stop the RealityHub Service and the RealityHub Database services manually via Windows Services.

RealityHub stores your Rgraphs (*.rgraph), Actions (*.rha), and Forms (*.jxd) inside the dbdata folder in the following file path:

<pre>\…\Zero Density\RealityHub\dbdata

Backup and restoring operation occurs by copying the dbdata folder and pasting it into the file path mentioned above after upgrading.