RGraph is a logic-based pipeline, as shown in the image above.
In the Nodegraph Menu, you can manage your RGraphs, as shown in the image below:
Reload: This action replenish your current RGraph
Load: This function calls your saved RGraph from the RealityHub database.
Load Template: You can call one of the RealityHub’s shipped advanced RGraph templates
ReTime: ReTime sends series of commands to the selected Engine to sync its video input and output
Clear: Clears your Nodegraph view
You can store RGraphs as a file (*.rgraph), which contains information about your Nodegraph’s state, such as a node’s properties, functions, input/output connections, and node’s position inside the Nodegraph.
RealityHub keeps your saved RGraphs in its database. Please keep that in mind: Deleting an RGraph also removes it from the RealityHub database. For more details, visit Database Backup
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